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Physical Fitness for trekking in Nepal

Nepal Himalyan treks need well preprered before hiting the mountain trails. Everyone who are looking for the high alltitude trek over 3000m -4000m in any trekking route/area must get some exoeriences of hiking berore trekking Nepal. Trekking in Nepal is complecated with phygical concern, it mean everyone can trek in Nepal doing some  hiking and running 3 -6 months before trekking in your chosen trekking areas.

It is very important to have succesfull and anjoyable trek in high mountains, Keep its in mind no need any teqnical and challanging experiences for the trekking, enough to train of hike and gymand some more excercise is good enough.

Partically, we first need mental prepataion which play main rules with some training of physical  train. In every day life mostly peoples train their body everyday and in my experienced even kids and early 80 peopls are easily make their trekking goal.

So every day few hours hike is quite enough train for the Nepal himalayas and Anyway first fews day biging of the trek, lower down the mountains's walk give you very well train for the trekking in high up to mountains.

Nothing is easy in high mountain without well mental prepared together our physical fitness. So, run every day for few hours, go to gym if there is possibitlies and do sit and up for few hours every day and get ready for Nepal trek.

It is most important caution to walk slowly and lift anything slowly and do not compare to anyone to walk their speed and hike with proper medical equipments for incase of the any pain accure  because hike in rough, teqnical and zikzak hike in in mountains. Enoy your trek with proper excercise before thinking trekking In beatiful Nepal.

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