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Mustang Region

Mustang, a former Kingdom of Lo, is the hidden gem in the northwestern region of Nepal. This region is painted in the black brown color of the rocks and sands as in a desert. The towering cliffs and the gigantic caves of the ancient civilization can still be found in this stunning isolated region of Nepal. Few of the monasteries in the Mustang region date back to over 500 years, giving the explorers an authentic taste of the ancient world.

Geographically, Mustang lies in the rain-shadow region which means that this region receives minimum or no rainfall at all. This is the reason for its aridness. The temperature of this region is bearable (11oC on average during the day) in the summer, while it may drop to -3oC during the night. There are thin forests, which doesn’t look like a forest, with tiny trees. This region is a partial desert.

Look for the options below on how you can visit this restricted region of Nepal.

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